We’re getting married.

51 days 18 hours 46 mins 34 secs
on June 6th 2015, Pemberton, WA

Kathryn Delroy

Hi everyone! I'm Kathryn, Katie or KD, depending on who you are and at which point in my life we met. I have a passion for all things health - be it food, yoga, meditation or a good night's sleep! Having almost kicked Lyme Disease after several years of fighting, I've recently embarked on a new journey of naturopathic studies. My eventual goal is to set up a Lyme clinic in the southwest and make available the treatment that all Lymies deserve.

Studies aside, I love creating nutritious and allergy-friendly recipes in the kitchen, running along the beach with our dog, Toby, and playing with our cat, Magpie. Life is so much fun with Ben in it and I'm lucky to have a lifetime with him to look forward to!

Benjamin Harris

Hello, I am Ben. I've lived just south of Perth all my life. I work giving advice to anyone that will pay to listen. I love learning things, discovering places, and the amazing girl on the left. I just want to live a happy life and try to help others along the way.

During my limited time having a real job, I've worked for 4 firms in 7 countries, travelled through more than 15 airports, escaped one humanitarian disaster, and took a 13 hour train ride in a sealed cabin with no air-conditioning.

When I'm not busy with work, I've been known to make things, start companies, ride my bike, get involved with good causes, catch up with friends, and play with our beautiful pets.


March 8

First contact

Our tale begins with a message about dinosaurs.

March 15

The day we met

We met over coffee. We were still talking four hours later so we grabbed dinner and the rest is history.

March 20

A colour themed quiz night

Our second date was a week later after Ben came back from work. It was a quiz night organised by Kathryn's Maid of Honour, Lisa.

March 31

First trip to the Southwest

After several successful dates, we decided to head down to Pemberton and check out Kathryn's childhood home.

April 20

Our first Easter

We returned to the Southwest for Easter where we did one of Ben's least favourite things - fishing. Ben also decided that the first time meeting Kathryn's parents would be the ideal time to take off his shirt and rescue a drowning salmon.

June 21

A SUPA(nova) birthday

Ben's birthday fell on the same day as the geek-fest known as Supanova. We spent the day stalking obscure celebrities and checking out the various stalls.

July 8

Beating Lyme

In an incredible show of support by her family, Kathryn was able to receive treatment for a condition she had been living with for several years. It was a long journey, and an intense series of treatments, but here we are 9 months later and Kathryn's transformation has been amazing.

October 25

Rolling with the Stones

For our first interstate trip together we were incredibly lucky to be able to go see the Rolling Stones in Adelaide with Kathryn's family. We took a few days afterwards for a romantic adventure though the South Australian Riverlands.

December 25

A family Christmas

Another trip to the Southwest, and this time our parents were able meet one another.

January 13

Melbourne holiday

2014 was fairly stressful with Kathryn's health and Ben's work travel, so we started 2015 off with a relaxing holiday together to Kathryn's other city.

March 10

The Proposal

After a few attempts, Ben was able to get hold of Kathryn's parents and discuss his intentions to marry her. Secrets travel fast, so not only did Jenny and Russell already suspect this would happen, the bride-to-be also knew of this meeting.

Later that day, while taking a night time walk with the dog, Ben mumbled some words, got down on one knee, and asked Kathryn to marry him.

March 11

Wedding stress begins

The reality of the situation kicked in when we realised there was very little time available to get married surrounded by our family and friends before we moved away from Western Australia.

March 29

The (one) ring

Due to Ben getting a little too picky when designing and organising the engagement ring, our poor Kathryn had to wait a bit more than a fortnight to receive it. She did eventually get her precious following an exciting Eater themed treasure hunt.

June 6

The Wedding

We are excited about being able to fill in this box (and many more in our future). We hope you will be able to make it and create some happy memories with us.

“We met over coffee. We were still talking four hours later so we grabbed dinner and the rest is history.”

  • Wedding
  • Accommodation
  • Supermarket
  • Fuel
  • Cafe/Restaurant
  • Attraction


