Kathryn Delroy
Hi everyone! I'm Kathryn, Katie or KD, depending on who you are and at which point in my life we met. I have a passion for all things health - be it food, yoga, meditation or a good night's sleep! Having almost kicked Lyme Disease after several years of fighting, I've recently embarked on a new journey of naturopathic studies. My eventual goal is to set up a Lyme clinic in the southwest and make available the treatment that all Lymies deserve.
Studies aside, I love creating nutritious and allergy-friendly recipes in the kitchen, running along the beach with our dog, Toby, and playing with our cat, Magpie. Life is so much fun with Ben in it and I'm lucky to have a lifetime with him to look forward to!
Benjamin Harris
Hello, I am Ben. I've lived just south of Perth all my life. I work giving advice to anyone that will pay to listen. I love learning things, discovering places, and the amazing girl on the left. I just want to live a happy life and try to help others along the way.
During my limited time having a real job, I've worked for 4 firms in 7 countries, travelled through more than 15 airports, escaped one humanitarian disaster, and took a 13 hour train ride in a sealed cabin with no air-conditioning.
When I'm not busy with work, I've been known to make things, start companies, ride my bike, get involved with good causes, catch up with friends, and play with our beautiful pets.